My friend, Krista, from the shelter, had to come to Raleigh today so she brought these little guys to me. They appear to be around 4 weeks old; they are stable walkers but have very few teeth. The kitten in the back corner is a little ‘hissy’ and the lighter gray one, below, is adventuresome. They’ve been eating can food and have diarrhea already along with an eye infection. When I put formula in the crate with them, 2 of them attacked it immediately! I hope that we can get the diarrhea under control quickly; at least they are using the litter box already!
Adoption update
We have found homes for 2 more kittens! The orange and white female left last night to a nice young woman. Her roommate wants to adopt the black kitten, so as soon as he’s weaned, he should have a good home too with one of his playmates for company. This leaves the orange tabby and the white with orange spots, both males.
I woke up yesterday to a very sick cat. My 13 year old, our first rescue, had been throwing up all night and was still feeling pretty miserable. It appeared that she had ingested a toxic substance (probably Claritin). Once the toxin is in the blood stream, inducing vomiting doesn’t help (plus she’d thrown up all night) and since she seemed to be stabilized when we got up, I decided to tend to her myself. She spent the morning with me in the backyard, moving from spot to spot checking things out, resting frequently. I gave her fluids to keep her hydrated. Late afternoon she took a turn for the worse so I hustled her to the vet. It turns out that she had chronic kidney disease and that the toxin was enough to send her into kidney failure. She was the friendliest cat we’ve shared a house with and she will be missed. Shortly after we got the call, someone came to look at kittens; it feels good to know that someone will be starting a loving relationship with one of these orphaned kittens. I hope they have many good years together.