Saturday, October 16, 2010

Christmas Kittens have arrived

We got a nice long break between litters so I was ready to take on a new batch when they called last week. I received 2 newborns and 1 4-5 week old on the 5th.

new-arrivalsWe figure the new babies are about 3 days old here. Someone found them in a plastic bag in a dumpster. I am always amazed at how people will treat helpless little creatures. Once the animal shelter got hold of them, they warmed them up and were able to feed them.

widget-day-1Widget is a piece of work! She loves to be held. I do believe she was spoiled. And after spending one evening with her, we knew why they wanted us to care for her – she followed us around crying to be picked up and feed. They’d been feeding her with a syringe and she wasn’t getting enough to eat, she drained the first bottle! After 24 hours with a full belly, she has calmed down. She still follows us around like a puppy but she’s happy to play and wait her turn to eat. Her fur is gorgeous! the black is tipped white and she glimmers.

I got more pictures last weekend just as the little ones’ eyes were starting to open and they were starting to be able to walk without dragging their bellies.

spry-with-eyes-openingWidget is enjoying having interactive toys!

widget-play-with-spryThe two babies developed diarrhea during the past week, it was awful! The vet found no signs of parasites or bacteria so we treated them with yogurt and lots of baths. Unfortunately the little black kitten died yesterday. So far the white and black one is doing well. His stools are solidifying but they’re still smelly and messy, still lots of baths and he is continuing to eat well. He wants to be held and is very content to sleep in my lap as long as I can sit still. Widget is not playing ‘with’ him as much but she loves to snuggle up with him at night to sleep so he shouldn’t get lonesome.

I can see I need to get busy and take a few more pictures – I need for him to stay clean long enough for me to photograph!   

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